EVE Abroad & the Spanish value of nurturing relationships

The Spanish value of nurturing relationships and working across cultures is part of EVE Abroad and Intercultural Understanding's DNA

In our intercultural training workshops, we often focus on the Spanish value of relationships. How families and friendships are an integral part of Spanish life and its work culture. And it’s something that I hold especially dear. For example, one of the longest working relationships I have is with EVE Abroad founder Catherine Hanley. We met over 18 years ago when we both worked at EUSA. Since then we’ve both gone on to set up our own businesses and I’ve enjoyed participating in her workshops over the years in Valladolid, Barcelona and Logroño. 

EveAbroadEveAbroad projects allows students to study in more rural and culturally authentic locations, giving them a real taste of Spain

It’s wonderful to know that via establishing relationships like these - and, crucially, keeping the connections going - exciting new experiences and projects are cultivated. It’s so exciting seeing her wonderful business grow - especially as it’s the first of its kind. EVE Abroad is the first study abroad organization to focus on the wine business and agri-tourism. Furthermore it allows students to study in more rural and culturally authentic locations, giving them a real taste of Spain, away from the more cosmopolitan cities!

I've known Catherine for over 18 years and 
love to collaborate with her EVE Abroad projects. From left to right: Ariana Díaz Turner (EVE Abroad Assistant Director), Almendra Staffa-Healey, and Catherine Hanley (EVE Abroad Director).

The EveAbroad program gives students the opportunity to learn about wine-making at the source. It starts with an exploration of the Spanish countryside before heading to the gorgeous city of Ronda to take part in an internship with a wine company.  Catherine’s fantastic business encompasses both working across cultures and incorporates the Spanish value of nurturing relationships.  I wish her every success - not only with her program in Spain but also for the one in Italy - and her potential future programs in other wine regions of Europe.  

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